Home Page Tab

When you first open the Spechy app, you will be directed to the home page. The home page is designed to provide you with multiple features that make working with the app much easier. Let’s explore the different components of the home page:

To-Do List #

On the left side of the home page, you will find the To-Do List. This feature allows you to create and manage your tasks. You can add task descriptions, set due dates, and even mark tasks as done when completed. Stay organized and keep track of your tasks efficiently using this convenient feature.

Notification Column #

In the middle of the home page, you will see the Notification Column. This column displays all your notifications, keeping you updated on any important activities or updates within the app. Stay informed about new messages, assigned tasks, or any other relevant notifications through this centralized view.

Appointments Panel #

On the right side of the home page, you will find the Appointments Panel. This panel allows you to schedule appointments and manage your meetings effectively. You can add all the necessary details for the appointment, such as the date, time, and duration. Additionally, you can choose the platform you will be using for the meeting, such as Zoom or other video conferencing tools. If the meeting is in person, you can enter the address of the physical location. You can also search for participants from the users list and directly add them to the appointment. Once added, participants will be notified via email and within the system.

The home page of Spechy provides you with a comprehensive overview of your tasks, notifications, and appointments. It serves as a central hub to help you stay organized, manage your workload, and effectively communicate with your team. Make the most out of the home page features to enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow.

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