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Tickets Dashboard Tab

The Tickets Dashboard tab in the Spechy app provides an overview of ticket activities for agents. Here’s how to use the Tickets Dashboard tab:

Accessing the Tickets Dashboard Tab #

  • On the left sidebar of the Spechy app, locate and click on the “Tickets Dashboard” option.
  • This will open the Tickets Dashboard tab.

Filtering Agents #

  • In the Tickets Dashboard tab, you can filter agents to view their ticket activities.
  • Use the available filters to select specific agents or agent groups.

Viewing Ticket Activities #

  • Once you have applied the desired agent filters, the Tickets Dashboard tab will display the ticket activities for the selected agents.
  • You can see various metrics and statistics related to the agents’ ticket activities, such as the number of pending tickets, assigned tickets, or tickets created by each agent.

The Tickets Dashboard tab provides a comprehensive view of ticket activities for agents. It allows you to monitor the status and progress of tickets assigned to agents, as well as track their performance in terms of ticket handling and creation.

You can find the Tickets Dashboard tab on the left sidebar of the Spechy app. Simply click on the “Tickets Dashboard” option to access it.

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