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Chat Automation

Enable self-service and conserve resources With Chat Automation

Conversations with chatbots incur only a fraction of the costs associated with traditional support channels. By empowering customers to assist themselves, you not only save time but also enhance the customer experience.

24/7 customer experiences With Chat Automation

Ensure your brand remains consistently prepared to provide assistance with round-the-clock availability, rapid response times, and resolution rates exceeding 90%, resulting in a positive impact on NPS.

Chat Automation - Customer Experience
Chat Automation - Brand

Realize your brand's full potential

Attain your ROI targets within 3-6 months through unmatched automation. Shift your customer service agents to focus on upselling and revenue-generating activities.

Boost Human Chat

Our conversational AI platform features an economical alternative for live chat software, seamlessly integrating virtual and human agents to provide a unified experience when a “human touch” is required.

Chat Automation - Finger Print

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Spechy is an all-in-one omnichannel communication solution for contact centers, customer support teams and more.


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