Whatsapp Pricing Calculator​ -
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WhatsApp API Pricing Calculator

Say hello to the WhatsApp API Pricing Calculator! It's like a budgeting buddy for businesses using WhatsApp API.

Whatsapp Pricing Calculator​

Just pop in how many conversations you plan to have, and voilà – it’ll tell you the cost. Simple!

So, what’s a conversation? Imagine it like a chat session. When businesses use WhatsApp API, they’re charged based on how many of these chats they have with their customers. Each chat begins when you send a message and sticks around for 24 hours. Any messages during that time count as part of that same chat. But if you send a message after 24 hours, a new chat starts, and the cost adjusts.

Give it a try! Check out the WhatsApp Business pricing calculator and find out what your messaging journey might cost. Time to crunch those numbers.

Messaging Limits

Messaging Limits
Messaging limits determine the maximum number of business-initiated conversations each phone number can start in a rolling 24-hour period. These limits do not apply to user-initiated conversations. A business-initiated conversation starts when the first message is delivered to a customer and ends 24 hours later. There are five messaging limit levels:
  • 250 business-initiated conversations with unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period (when number is registered)
  • 1K business-initiated conversations with unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period.
  • 10K business-initiated conversations with unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period.
  • 100K business-initiated conversations with unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period.
  • An unlimited number of business-initiated conversations in a rolling 24-hour period.

Increasing Messaging Limit from 250 to 1k

If the business initiates conversations with 1000 unique users in a 30-day rolling period maintaining high-quality rating, they will automatically be upgraded to the next tier.
The process also evaluates implicit risk signals to determine eligibility. WhatsApp may also evaluate the account for additional risk signals, before upgrading the account. In a scenario where WhatsApp cannot deem high confidence of trust based on message quality alone, a business may be prompted to complete individual verification or may be able to verify via business verification before upgrading to more phone numbers with higher messaging limits.
This will also trigger a Display Name review which, if approved, will show the business Display Name in chats with users without needing to go through OBA approval.

Increasing Messaging Limit from 1k upwards

Messaging limits are increased or decreased automatically based on your phone number status, phone number quality rating, and how often you initiate conversations with unique customers.
All businesses and phone numbers start with 1K business-initiated conversations with unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period. If you reach your messaging limit, you can start more conversations as soon as one or more active conversations end.
Each time you initiate a new conversation with a unique customer WhatsApp will determine if your limit should be increased. This determination is based on the following criteria:
  • your phone number status is Connected.
  • your phone number quality rating is Medium or High.
  • The display name is approved.
  • in the last 7 days, you have initiated X or more conversations with unique customers, where X is your current messaging limit divided by 2
If you meet all conditions, WhatsApp will increase your messaging limit by one level in 24 hours.

Decreasing Messaging Limit

Each time you initiate a new conversation with a unique customer, WhatsApp will check your phone number quality rating.
If the rating has been Flagged for the last 7 days, WhatsApp will immediately decrease your messaging limit by one level.

Quality Rating

The quality rating of a message template is determined by how recipients have reacted to messages in the past week and takes into account recent interactions. It is calculated based on various indicators of quality derived from conversations between businesses and users, including user feedback signals such as blocks, reports, and the reasons users provide when they block a business.

A message template’s Quality Rating can fall into one of the following categories:

1. Active – Quality pending: This status is assigned to message templates that have not yet received any quality feedback from customers. These templates can be used to send messages to customers and will be monitored for feedback.

2. Active – High Quality: Message templates in this category have received minimal or no negative feedback from customers. They are suitable for sending messages to customers.

3. Active – Medium Quality: Templates in this group have received negative feedback from multiple customers but are still allowed for use. However, they may soon be paused or disabled, so it’s advisable to address the issues reported by customers.

4. Active – Low Quality: Message templates in this category have received negative feedback from multiple customers and are at risk of being paused or disabled. It is recommended to address the reported issues if your templates fall into this status.

Approved message templates initially have a “Quality pending” rating. Continuous negative feedback may lead to a change in the template’s status. While a message template is marked as “Active,” it can be sent to customers, regardless of its quality rating. However, once the status changes to something other than “Active,” the template cannot be sent to customers until it becomes “Active” again.


To assist your clients in delivering a high-quality customer experience, it’s essential to discuss and incorporate the following expectations and best practices into your documentation:


1. Obtain opt-in consent from customers before initiating conversations, whether on or off WhatsApp, as required by Meta.

2. Ensure that all messages adhere to the WhatsApp Business Policy and Commerce Policy.

3. Send messages only to users who have explicitly chosen to receive communications from your business.

4. Craft personalized and valuable messages for users, avoiding generic or open-ended welcome or introductory messages.

5. Be mindful of the frequency of your messaging and avoid overwhelming customers with excessive messages in a day. Focus on the content and length of your informational messages.

6. Clearly convey the benefits of receiving important updates on WhatsApp and keep messages personalized and useful.

7. Explicitly describe the types of messages that customers are opting in to receive, and respect their choices.

8. Continuously monitor your quality metrics, taking into account customer preferences, and adjust your communication strategy accordingly, including message frequency and contact lists.

9. Provide clear instructions for opting out of specific messages, such as including a ‘STOP’ or ‘UNSUBSCRIBE’ button to empower people to control their communication preferences. Utilize the marketing opt-out button to simplify this process.

10. Honor customer requests by ensuring that users who have opted out do not receive messages from any phone numbers associated with your business, reducing the risk of customers blocking or reporting your business.

Meta continuously monitors user sentiment and feedback, and if a business’s phone number consistently receives low-quality ratings over an extended period, it may be flagged and subject to rate limiting. Additionally, if a message template from your business results in a high rate of users blocking or reporting your business, that template may be temporarily paused from being sent to more customers until it is updated.

It’s vital to make sure your clients are well-informed about these quality systems and processes. As more businesses recognize the value of connecting with customers through messaging, Meta will continue to refine its quality systems, introduce user-friendly controls, and implement additional enforcement measures.

Spechy is an all-in-one omnichannel communication solution for contact centers, customer support teams and more.


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